Saturday, December 15, 2012

Our Darling Children

As parents we often are disciplining, training, correcting, teaching our children.  It can be easy to get bugged or frustrated with a child when you are disciplining them for the fifth time in one hour for the same thing.  It might seem repetitive and you can't figure out why they don't "get it".  If you let yourself stay in that mind frame, discouraged and down on yourself or your kid it can effect your whole day and attitude of the home.

   We have to be so careful and intentional about our thoughts and our reactions.   The devil comes to kill, steal and destroy, and if he can steal your time and your enjoyment of your kids, He will.  Don't let him, declare the truth of the word "These children are a blessing, heritage and reward from The Lord" (from Psalm 127:3-5)  It is also good to realize in Christ we have strength for all things, including parenting and keeping our cool when disciplining.  Another good thing to remember, they aren't adults, they are kids, our kids, and God has called us to train them.  If they were adults we wouldn't be training them.  

So I know it can be exhausting to correct constantly for days on end, but stay at it.  So get ready to battle, and plan to be victorious!  Ask God every morning for the strength you need to be the parent your child needs and to be able to truly love them the way God loves us (this requires knowing how much God loves you).  I read this passage on Wednesday and I realized that even God had to discipline and correct His children, but that had no effect on his love and mercy toward them, what a perfect example to us.

"Is not Israel still my son, my darling child?" says the LORD. "I often have to punish him, but I still love him. That's why I long for him and surely will have mercy on him." Jeremiah 31:20

These children we have been blessed with are our darling children.  Wake up and say that and be sure to tell them that, especially after a time of correction, you may not like the wrong choice they made, but you love them to pieces.  And you love them too much to let the behavior go on.  "For the LORD corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights." Proverbs 3:12. Making sure your children know you love and cherish them is key to their security, also, it is so important that your love for them isn't based on their actions.  Especially in light of yesterday's events, we want our children to know we delight in them, no matter what.  Hug them, kiss them, say I love you, snuggle them any chance you get.  I know it takes extra time to do this, but I have found the more intentional I am about pouring into my kids, the less behavioral problems there are.

Parenting is a high calling from God, by His grace and strength you will be the mom/dad your darling children need!  Don't give up, your labor is not in vain, you will see the fruit!  We are not told it will be easy, but we are promised we are never alone, we always have help!  Listen to Carry Me to the Cross.

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