Saturday, August 11, 2012

His Hand is Upon You

I was reminded today of a time God showed me that He truly is always with me and just wanted to share the short, but special story with you.

A few months ago I was heading to the grocery store by myself.  It was quiet in the car and I fought the urge to put music on and decided to take the time alone to talk to God.  It was one of those days I was questioning my position in Christ.  Now I know you probably don't have days like that, days where wonder if you are the one that God loves. When you question if His promises are really for you. But, for some reason I feel like I may not be the only one who has those days. :)

I remember on the drive I was asking him to confirm his presence to me. I looked up and I saw a sign that was painted with the truth "Jesus Saves" and I though that is true.  Perfect timing.  I kept praying and spent time just talking with Him, suddenly a car stopped in front of me.  I had enough time to stop, but I heard squealing tires.  I was filled with horror as I looked at my rear view mirror where I saw a truck speeding towards me.  I knew he could not stop fast enough and I was going to be hit, hard.  But I found in that moment I could only say one thing "Jesus, help me." And I braced the wheel, preparing for the inevitable impact.   Nothing happened, and I looked over, the truck was sitting right beside me.  I am telling you he did not have time or room to swerve.  I knew God had place the vehicle there and protected me.  And then he whispered in the voice I love sooooo much "My hand is always on you." PRESENCE CONFIRMED!!!  I was reminded of this story when I read this in Psalms today: "You hem me in--behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me." Psalm 139:10

That moment a fews months ago was filled with a rush of emotions, from sheer terror to instant peace. Only Jesus can calm the storm just like that.  When he speaks it is so real, and He is ready to speak peace into anything you are facing.  It is true "Jesus saves", sometimes we just need to cry out to him for help.

Today I decided I better post about how real and ever present God is when my friend Holly sent me this text "Have I not commanded you, be strong and of good courage. Do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9  Amen!!   That is a promise. God is always with believers, don't be afraid, be eager to listen to what He says, stay in step with His Spirit, magnify His son Jesus. His hand is upon you!!!

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