
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Show Kids God's Faithfulness

We had a question at our moms group the other day, "What are ways you can show your Kids that God is faithful?"  It has been on my mind ever since so I have been asking God for ideas.  Today He gave me one.  This morning I gave Drew a $1.00 bill, payment for helping daddy at work.  (He actually got five, I only know where 1 is.)  He decided he wanted to go to the "popcorn store", (Target) to buy a toy.  Thankfully they have a dollar section.

We were preparing to leave and Drew had lost the dollar.  I almost went into "Well, where did you leave it?"  But God whispered something else for me to say: "Ok, Drew, you don't know where your dollar is, but Jesus does!  Let's pray and ask Him to help us find it."  He liked the idea and prayed "Dear Jesus, can you show me where my dollar is?"  He went to look and 30 seconds later he found it.  The next thing that came out of his mouth was "Thank you Jesus for helping me!"  AMEN!  I was so excited, he saw the faithfulness of God.  We still ran around for a few more minutes getting drinks, going potty and putting on shoes, after all that he exclaimed "Mom, where is my money?"  To which I replied "I am not sure, but you know who does know."  He prayed again, asking Jesus for help, and 15 seconds later he had it in his hands.  "Yes! Jesus, Thank you!!"  Love that childlike faith.  When you experience the faithfulness of God you can't help but give him praise.  "From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger." Psalm 8:2 ( I love this verse, especially because of the fact that when you praise God, you silence the enemy!)

I hope and pray to be able to find more ideas of how to point my children to the faithfulness of God.  To make it a priority to point out his goodness, and give Jesus the glory- the only one who deserves it.

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