
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Moment of Weakness

Yesterday and today I have been praying about what to post on here next.  Tonight we had dear friends stop by and drop off some AMAZING lemon custard dessert as a surprise.  Can I say WONDERFUL???!!!!  They told us to check out the song they sang at church today: None But Jesus (click to listen), to which my husband replied "Well, she'll be having it on all night!"  He knows me :)  I like to listen to songs I enjoy over and over and over and I absolutely LOVE blaring the praise music.  My friend Kim always says "I keep praise music on all the time to keep my eyes on Christ, and I also sing along to it, other wise it is just background noise.  It is the best attitude adjuster there is."

I asked God again tonight what I should blog about, He reminded me about a song I had heard last year.  One line really spoke to me.  Isn't it amazing how praise songs sometimes just speak so much truth and how it can change your mood and how you view a situation?  I started listening to None But Jesus tonight (as suggested by my friend), and don't you know it was the EXACT song that had impacted me 1 year ago.  Confirmation!!  Guess that really is what God wants me to write about tonight.....He is amazing!

So the line that meant so much to me was:  "In the chaos and confusion I know you're sovereign still, In the moment of my weakness you give me the strength to do your will."   Chaos, confusion that is pretty much the life of a mother with young children.  I notice when everything is getting crazy it tends to be my "weak moment".  I heard this song and I thought "Yeah!  Even during those times He is still sovereign, He still is ready to pour out His grace and strength and help me through this."  That verse runs through my head when it gets a little wild over here. 

Even when things seem a mess, God is still God.  He hasn't changed. I have found that if I take a moment to just ask Him to calm my heart and give me wisdom and strength, He does and it settles me down and gives me peace and clarity to handle the situation.  Now, I don't always remember to do this, which is a real bummer, because facing a situation with the peace and power of God is SOOOOO much better than handling it in my own strength.  But, I am surely asking for His help a lot more now than I used to.  Once you get a taste of God's way of handling a situation, you don't want to go back.  

So if you are faced with a "moment of weakness" take just a second to ask God for his strength, power, peace and wisdom on the matter.  Instead of instantly reacting, stop and ask God, "What should I do?"   I am always telling him: " Ok God, you know I am weak in this area.  I am not good at this, but you are good at everything.  I need your grace.  Will you help me?"  

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me."  2 Corinthians 12:9  I want Christ's power resting on me. In his power there is nothing I can't do.  "I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency."  Philippians 4:13 amp

God is willing and wants to give you the strength to overcome your situations and moments of weakness.  It is as simple as stopping to ask.  "For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."  Matthew 7:8