Friday, November 2, 2012

Thankful Tree - Kids Activity

A good friend of mine, Michelle - author of,  is doing a month long challenge that encourages us to choose to be thankful and inspires us to show our thankfulness in creative ways each day.  Hope you can join in on the fun, and if you haven't started yet, it doesn't matter, join when you can.  I decided I am in!! 

First, I am listing what I am thankful for each day.  Secondly, I am writing thank you cards to people in my life who have impacted me.  Also I am trying to thank those I am around, that maybe I would overlook, the cashier, the security guard at the mall, nursery workers at church.... I wanted to get the kids in on this as well, my friend Maria gave me the idea for the Thankful Tree.  What you do is cut out a tree from brown paper, (I used a paper bag), then trace each of your children's hands on different colors of paper.  Tape the tree to the wall, and each day of the month of November have each child take their traced hand and list something they are thankful for.  Have them tape the leaves onto the tree, and watch it fill up with thankfulness.   Very fun for the kids, and for me, love seeing what they come up with, Emma says "I thankful for pacy!"  

1 comment:

  1. Tommy agrees with Emma (pacis are great!). :)
    Super idea!


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