
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Young Heart For Giving

I love to share stories of God's faithfulness.  I just posted recently (Show Kids God's Faithfulness) of a way we can show our kids how faithful He is and I am ALL EARS for any ideas.  My sister in law, Juliet just shared a touching story about my nephew experiencing that faithfulness of the Father.

Their family recently watched the video on you tube about the "invisible children" and the LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) Which I had heard of, but had not watched myself.  She explained to me that this military group takes children from their homes and put them into the army, are drugged and forced "into hostilities", among other things.  My nephew Jadon was moved in his heart to give money to help get the children out.  He told Juliet "Mom, I want to help and send the money I have been saving up.  I do really want to get toys, but these kids need it more."  To which she replied "God knows what your desire is, you just give if you feel like He is telling you to and God will take of everything else."  So he gave the little he had.  About a week later he got a card in the mail with double the amount he had sent to the kids!!  It was a "late" birthday card by 2 months.  If you ask me, I think it was right on time!!

So cool!!

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