
Friday, March 16, 2012

God has got BERRIES!

I have preface this story with 2 things

1: My daughter Emma loves to eat, and she especially loves any kind of berry (blueberries are her favorite).  Back in the fall I was really wanting to buy berries for her, but they were SO EXPENSIVE and I couldn't justify spending $5.00 on a hand full of berries, when I could use that same amount and buy a whole bunch of bananas and a cantaloupe.

2: Also, few months ago I was hosting a family brunch.  I LOVE to entertain, and bake, so this was going to be a nice morning.  I really looked forward to having everyone over.  I planned my breakfast and went grocery shopping.  It was right before a holiday, so I was not planning to go out again.  Everyone was coming on Friday morning, and on Monday I realized I had forgotten to buy berries!  I make this dish called Pannu Kakku (click the link for my gluten-free version, I have a normal version too).  A finnish pancake recipe passed down through my husband's family.  I typically serve it with syrup, but to make it extra special you cook fresh berries mixed with sugar and a little cornstarch- to thicken it up, serve it warm over the pannu and top it with fresh whipped cream.  AMAZING!!

So, I had forgotten to buy berries and I thought to myself, well maybe I could have someone else bring them.....but then reasoned that they were probably all done with shopping as well and I didn't want to inconvenience anyone.  I told no one and decided to just serve it with syrup....oh well.

I had been feeling like a slacker in my walk with God, so that Tuesday when my kids were sleeping I spent some time with Jesus.  It was a great quiet time and I got up from my "Jesus time" feeling so refreshed.  (It is so amazing how just a few minutes with Him can change your day.)  As I walked into the next room to start my cleaning I noticed a car in my driveway.  A friend of the family was coming to my door.  I answered the door and she said "Here, I brought these for you, I can't talk I got a dentist appointment."  And she left.

I stood there holding a box of  4 huge containers of blueberries from Costco.  I walked inside and I heard God whisper "I knew you wanted berries."  AMEN!  I immediately busted into a song of praise (if you know me at all you will soon come to find out I randomly burst into song, or quote songs- that is why I LOVE the game ENCORE)  I sang "Lord I love the way you love me......God I praise you, you AMAZE me, take my life and let your light shine through.  Jesus, savior, friend of sinners fill me up cuz all I really want is MORE OF YOU!"  It wasn't just one itty bitty container that you buy at the normal grocery store, 4 HUGE containers!  I like the way God gives "pressed down, shaken and overflowing!"  I now had more than enough to make the special topping for breakfast, plenty for Emma to eat to her heart's content and gallon size zip-lock bag full to freeze.

I was so excited to share my miracle, and the little "desire of my heart" that God had given me.  I called my close friend and shared what God had done.  She said "Girl, if you need berries, God has got berries!"  It made me laugh and is so true.

As if that wasn't enough, the following day I had ANOTHER friend drop off 2 more containers of a different kind of berry!!!!  UNBELIEVABLE!  Neither lady knew about the other, and they had no idea I wanted berries.  God is just incredible!  So if you need berries, God has got berries.  

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart." Psalm 37:4

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