
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Gluten Free Pannukakku

How can such plain smelling ingredients come together to make something so scrumptious?  (I have to admit I got the idea for this line from a Curious George episode!  He had wondered into a bakery. )  Such is the beauty of cooking!  

So you are probably wondering what Pannukakku is.  If you are of Scandinavian descent you may have heard of it.  It is basically a Finnish oven pancake.  I am not Finnish, but my husband has Finnish heritage, the original recipe has passed down for generations.  You can find the original recipe and photos of my husband's family with their pannukakku fresh out of the oven on my sister-in-law, Heidi's blog post here: Pannukakku This is a favorite dish in our family, and I usually try to make it when we have over night guests.  It is a unique breakfast dish and incredibly easy to make.  I have been experimenting and trying to perfect a gluten free version and I think this time it was dynamite!


4 eggs
1 1/2 cups organic whole milk
1/2 cup organic whipping cream
1/2 cup agave nectar
1/3 plus 3 Tablespoons brown rice flour
3 Tablespooons almond meal
pinch of salt
1/2 stick butter

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.  Place butter in pie dish or 8X8 glass pan, put pan in oven & allow butter to melt fully while you mix the batter.  (Don't let the butter burn though).  Mix all other ingredients together until smooth- it will be VERY soupy, this is normal.  Remove pan from oven, pour batter in the center of pan, the butter will coat the edge and go up the sides.  Bake 425 for 20-30 minutes until the center is set.  The batter will rise out of the pan, then fall down as it rests.  Allow to cool slightly before serving.  Serve with syrup, berries and fresh whipped cream.

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